The editing techniques used in Doc Martin are quite successful as they fulfil their purpose. Pretty much from the start of the clip everyone is at different levels so eye line match is used to show who the character is talking to without actually having to show the person that they're talking to. Action match is also used when Doc puts his arm up and waves it at the plumber while he is trying to get the words out of his mouth and when the shot cuts towards him for a medium shot his arm is still up doing the same movements. This is also used when he enters the police station, in one clip he begins to open the door and in the next it is inside the police station and he is continuing to open and walk through the door. This makes the shots seem fluent and flow seamlessly even though it isn't just one continued movement.
I think all the the transitions between shots are just cuts which is where it literally goes from one shot to another without any effect or anything. This is especially good when it came to the part where Doc Martin was getting agitated and stressed because it allowed there to be more shots and at an even quicker pace to make everything look more hectic and confusing.
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